Here at the Big Strong Girls Club we truly believe that we were built for more than constantly living in limbo between wanting to be happy but feeling the need to be skinnier to get there.

We weren’t built to treat exercise and training as a means to an end just to see a change on the scales.

The Big Strong Girls Club is here to show you what you’re truly built for 

and how you can live a FEARLESS life full of confidence, freedom and energy.


Inside our incredible community we aim to challenge the stereotype daily. Breaking boundaries on what you think is possible.

To have the body confidence, relationship with food and self love you’ve always dreamt of. Whilst saying goodbye to diet culture, all or nothing thinking & being labelled based on your BMI!

Whilst being surrounded by supportive like minded women who’ve got your back through the good, the bad and the sweaty!

Coach Amy will guide you through the key strength principals every session to give you the knowledge and confidence around weight lifting whilst also sprinkling in those world famous “spicy finishers” to get heart rates up and that important sweat on!

She will coach you personally, within our small group training sessions, giving you the best of both words.